STX-2520 contains latest and fastest OpAmp and new analogue pulse proccesing circuit. which means this product has
high-performance and balanced high resolution with a high calculation rate.
with this amp, SDD detector original high calculation rate and high resolution
will show that full spec.
These are just one example of comparison between digital MCA and analogue
Xray detecter is complicated. when time constant is short, the count rate
is high. and time constant is long, the resolution is high.even the detecter
with resolution of 135eV at 10usec of peaking time, resolution decline
to 190eV at peaking time of 1usec. Obviously detector need longer peaking
time for low energy.
resolution get worth because of the noise by digital circuit and lack of
pulse reset work. and those problems are not able to be solved. but this
problem is only for the one of these days digital MCA, and old analogue
amplifier which does not corresponding to pulse reset system.
this product has resolution of 129eV at peaking time of 0.55usec. this
spectrum below is e.g that SDD with resolution of 132eV at Peaking time
of 8usec and STX2520.

Time 0.55usec(0.25x2.2) Fe-55(Mn-Ka)
FWHM 129eV

Time 1.1usec(0.5x2.2) Fe-55(Mn-Ka)
FWHM 125eV
▲Peaking Time 2.2usec(1.0x2.2) Fe-55(Mn-Ka)
FWHM 120eV
as an additional information, this SDD at e.g was resolution of 145eV at
peaking time of 2usec with old digital MCA.
this detector seems showing real Value at Peaking time of 2.2usec when
we just looked at FWHM.
but in fact this SDD works better in 1.1usec. Mn-Ka has over lapping 2
peaks such as
5.899 and Ka2 5.888(50%).those has gap of 11eV but 1ch on the spectrum.relative strengh is 50
% so lower peak makes little step in spectrum.▼
Combination of analogue amlifier and analogue MCA will perform unmatch
stability that resolution does not get worth at quicker Peaking time, and
low energy or high energy. STX2520 has wide daynamic range.
that means sumpeak will be tiny and ignorable when you use this product
for Fluorescence linear analysis container. used to be problem at digital
MCA, and no more.
▲e.g. Fe-55 Xray Fluorescence linear analysis container to find Aluminum
The detection of aluminum was difficult with digital MCA.
so this is with out Favorable light, The performance of this product is
indicated and Heroic achievement!